Do you suffer from seasonal allergies?

Has this years budding season got you feeling stuffy, runny, causing headaches, dizziness, itchy eyes and throat? Do you feel run down, like you have a bubble in you head and can’t think straight, or like your ears are going to explode? Massage Therapy of Boston’s Deborah McMahon is feeling it too and she’d like to share with you what works best for her!

Massage Therapy Techniques for Allergy Relief:

Massage is one of the best all natural techniques for aiding allergy and asthma symptoms. Deborah will include techniques that will help clear the sinus passages and pressure, reduce headaches, relax the jaw, and help soothe muscles that are tight from coughing, sneezing, and sniffling. Her techniques will improve circulation and immune system which can improve your tolerance of allergy symptoms.

Seasonal allergies affect up to 30% of the World’s population. Other countries, in regions like Asia, have relied heavily on massage and alternative medicine to help alleviate seasonal allergies for hundreds of years.

Deborah understands how much the Spring affects people’s daily lives and is now offering an early bird special on Thursdays for the whole month of May to help relieve those symptoms (and others) or to simply help you relax! Anyone who books with Deborah on Thursday mornings between 8-1pm will receive 15% off their session. Call today (617.999.6071) or use the Book Now feature below to book your appointment

Early Bird Special

Start your day off with Deborah Thursdays 8-1 and receive 15% off 




Holiday Special (3) sessions of your choice at a discounted price.

Also available as a Gift Certificate!! Head on over to the Gift Certificates Tab to purchase for that special someone.