Deep Tissue is an extremely effective means of releasing chronic pain or tension in the body. The connective tissue of the body whether through direct injury or chronic holding patterns can become damaged. With that damage, the tissue becomes shortened and thickened, causing pain in all directions and pulling underlying structures out of alignment thereby laying the foundation for chronic pain and tension and for feelings of pain in an area that is distant from the original site of tension.
A Deep Tissue Massage uses slow, firm pressure directed at the deep layers of the muscle where tissue has been damaged. Deep Tissue massage helps to lengthen shortened muscle fibers, breaking up thickened areas and helping the tissue regain proper elasticity. Deep Tissue is also effective for breaking down scar tissue and muscle adhesions even on injuries that have occurred many years ago. Proper blood and oxygen flow is brought back to the tight muscles. The toxins that have been stored in those muscles are helped release.
It is normal for some soreness to occur after a Deep Tissue massage. Your therapist will show you stretching techniques that will aid in your healing process and you will also be reminded to drink plenty of water. When done properly, soreness from a Deep Tissue session should not last longer than 2 days.
Stay healthy and active!
We would love the opportunity to help you on your path to being healthy, balanced, and pain-free.